Illustrations by Terry Runyan


I was lucky enough to discover today’s artist when I was gifted both a pig and cat print of her work for my birthday this year. Terry Runyan is a visual artist and creative encourager. As a creative encourager, Terry teaches several classes that help people to get creative, discover their art style, and more. I’m going to add her books on drawing animals and characters to my Christmas list!

For more of Terry Runyan’s work, visit the links below:
Instagram: terryrunyan

Illustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry RunyanIllustrations by Terry Runyan